- Curriculum
- English
- Mathematics
- Science
- Humanities and Social Sciences
- The Arts
- Health and Physical Education
- ECC CrossFit
- Technologies
- Japanese
- Vocational Education and Training (VET)
- Specialised Autism Learning Program
- Lower School Assessment Policy
- Senior School Assessment Policy
- Positive Behaviour Support
The study of a foreign language has many cognitive, social and interpersonal benefits, such as improved critical thinking skills, memory and self-efficacy. Learning a second or a third language also supports literacy development of the first language by breaking down systems of both languages into their smallest components, making comparisons, and practising key reading strategies for a variety of texts. Students can then take these skills and transfer them to other subjects, situations and future vocations.
In Years 7 and 8, all students study Japanese. Eaton Community College’s language program provides students with several opportunities to engage with culture, history and real-life language application through excursions, incursions and overseas trips. Through the sister school exchange program with Naruo High School, students will also get the chance to host students from Japan and form connections that can last a lifetime. Students are encouraged to continue with their Japanese studies from Year 9 onwards, which will allow them to partake in further study in senior school and beyond.
Upper school pathways:
- General Japanese
- ATAR Japanese
Yearly highlights
- Taiko drumming incursion
- Japanese Film Festival Satellite in Bunbury
- Perth Japanese Camp
- Sister School Exchange Program (biennial)
- Overseas trip to Japan (biennial)